Do you need behavioural help with your dog or cat?
Does your pet show one or more of the following emotional or behaviour problems?
Aggression - resource guarding, aggression to people or dogs, body handling sensitivities
Anxiety and fears - separation anxiety, generalised anxiety, excessive fear at the vets or fear of thunderstorms
Reactivity on walks, or at the fence/window/in the car
Compulsive behaviours - fly-snapping, spinning, tail-chasing, licking
Old age issues including sensory and cognitive decline
House soiling
Destructive behaviours, overactivity, jumping up

Or do you need more general help?
Puppies – many puppy families, especially with puppies that are shy or fearful, or showing early signs of growling, biting or lunging, need coaching in addition to the four-week puppy classes
Adolescent dogs - the period from 6 months to 2 years is a time of major change with your dog, just as it is with a human teenager. Changes in behavior are often normal but can be concerning and need to be navigated with care. Your “perfectly behaved little puppy” may now become more independent and forgetful of obedience cues such as recall. They may start to interact differently with other dogs and they may start to experiment with barking and lunging when they are uncertain. It is advisable to seek early advice on how best to guide your young dog through this important life stage.
Help with children and dogs, or what to do when expecting a new baby
Help with multi-dog households
Behaviour plans for handling issues or veterinary procedures
How to make your home as cat-friendly as possible

How do I proceed?
We work closely with Dr Cate Webb of Engage Vet Behaviour and Training. Dr Cate can help you understand the unwanted behaviour of your pet and provide a treatment plan to get them back on the right track.
Contact Rochedale Veterinary Surgery on 07 3341 3399 to book a Wednesday or Thursday appointment, or contact Dr Cate Webb directly at or 0456 957096. Other days may be available on request.
Dr Cate can also provide a home-visit for a small additional travel surcharge calculated from your regular veterinary practice.
We will send you an email with a link to an online questionnaire to fill in before the appointment.